iMovie With iMovie, you can import video clips and photos from your media library, and add transitions, titles, special effects...
Adobe Podcast Adobe Podcast is a powerful tool that allows professionals to create, edit, and distribute podcasts. It easily records...
Camtasia Camtasia is a screen capture and video editing software that allows users to easily create professional videos. With Camtasia,...
Grammarly Grammarly is used as a writing assistance tool. Teachers and students can use it to improve the quality of...
WordPress WordPress is used in education to easily create websites, educational blogs, online course management, digital portfolios and educational communities....
Adobe Creative Cloud Adobe Creative Cloud is a suite of creative tools used in education to develop creativity and digital...
PowerPoint PowerPoint is an essential tool for teachers and trainers in the educational context. It allows you to create visual...
Canva Canva is an online platform that allows users to easily create graphics, designs, and visual documents intuitively, even without...
Wordwall Wordwall is a tool that can be used by teachers to create their own teaching resources and make custom...
Quizlet Quizlet has been used by many teachers and students to create flashcards for students to study. You can use...